10 Reliable  ways to study  more effectively

1. Be consistent It’s very effective to get a little bit done every day than it is to get a lot done in a single day.

2. Sleep properly Get as much sleep as you can, So you will be able to focus, and you’ll able to learn new things. Make sure that you’re going to bed at the same time every night.

3. Try the Pomodoro method  This is a reliable concentration booster and time-management method. The Pomodoro technique involves a study time of twenty-five minutes, and then, a five-minute break. 

4. Create the right environment Creating the environment right is the first thing. Create a dedicated space for your study. It might be a small corner of the house, or it might be an entire room.

5. Create flashcards It's an easy way to familiarize yourself with key concepts and short information so make Flashcards.

6. Divide it in groups If you break down long lists of information into groups, then you’ll find it much easier to retain the knowledge. Also, Consider systems and categories.

7. Teach other people Find a friend or family member and have them ask you questions about the topic. You only fully understand something when you can explain it to someone else.

8. Do exercise regularly Regular exercise will improve your memory and concentration. If your body is in good shape, your mind is going to be in better condition to focus and to take on board new information.

9. Set deadlines You should have a timetable for your studies. You should set your study goals. If you’re not making progress as rapidly as decided, then you’ll be motivated.

10. Meditate Doing a small amount of meditation daily can improve concentration, and lower the stress level.